In TRR 318, scientists are working on the research and development of AI applications that can improve the quality and safety of medical care. Anna-Lisa Vollmer, Professor of Interactive Robotics in Medicine and Nursing at Bielefeld University and project manager of sub-project B05, spoke about this in a presentation and subsequent panel discussion at an event organised by the East Westphalia Chamber of Industry and Commerce.
TRR-Member Kai Biermeier (Project Z) receives the Best Paper Award Runner Up for his paper on visual attention in AR- and VR-environments at PETRA-Conference.
The annual World Conference on Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) brings together experts from various fields of research to share and discuss knowledge, experiences and innovations in the field of Explainable Artificial Intelligence. As last year, many researchers from TRR 318 will be present at the XAI Conference this summer to present their latest publications.
Two TRR 318 researchers, Ngoc Chi Banh (A05) and Prof. Dr. Ingrid Scharlau (A05, C01, C04, RTG, co-authored in a recently published article. The work deals with the development of advanced assistance systems for vulnerable road users, especially cyclists, in order to achieve the ambitious goal of zero road deaths per year.
In "Co-Constructing Science", young researchers from the various TRR projects have their say. They talk about what they are doing in their respective projects, what contribution their field of science is making and how they assess the perspectives of their colleagues. Where were there points of contention, where were moments of success? In a relaxed discussion, they reflect on the interdisciplinary work in the project and share their experiences.
The recording of the latest CRC-Public Talk "Digital divide in studies caused by AI?" by Professor Dr Isabel Steinhardt (Paderborn University) is now available on our YouTube channel.
Junior professor Dr. Benjamin Paaßen, associate member of the TRR, wants to bring autonomy into the digital age with an AI podcast. Together with Dr. Christiane Attig, Paaßen invites interdisciplinary experts from the field of AI research to shed light on black box systems and equip listeners to take part in decision-making in AI matters. News only available in german.
The latest newsletter of the Transregio (TRR) 318 ‘Constructing Explainability’ provides exciting insights into our current research projects, informative workshops on artificial intelligence (AI) as well as current news and lectures.
There are now many books for children and young people on the internet that have been created using generative AI tools. However, the topic of artificial intelligence itself is rarely the subject of these books. Yet this is an important topic for the technologized world in which children and young people are growing up today. Psycholinguist Prof. Katharina Rohlfing explains why this is the case.
Is this the future of dialogue? The use and impact of chat GPT technologies in society is the subject of controversial debate. While some praise this development as groundbreaking, others see potential risks. In a new series of public talks organised by the Transregio ‘Constructing Explainability’ (TRR 318), two experts will present their research on this highly regarded topic.
In the workshops of the Ö project, participants gain deeper insights into the exciting research topic. Under the guidance of Prof Dr Carsten Schulte and his team, they explored the five big ideas of artificial intelligence and learnt, for example, how artificial neural networks can be used to avoid collisions and control machine movements.
Leading international researchers in the field of ethics of explainable AI will come together at Paderborn University in mid-May. The workshop "Ethics And Normativity of Explainable AI", organized by project B06 of the TRR 318, will take place from May 15 to 17.
Two researchers from the Transregio are traveling to Poland from 2 to 4 May to take part in the Behavioural Dynamics in Social Interactions workshop. In Krakow, researchers from two sub-projects from the “A - Explaining” project area will present their research on adaptive explanatory dialogs.
Bielefeld University is funding a new independent research group on explainable artificial intelligence and and its impact towards over-relying on AI-assisted decision-making for three years.