
Here you can find an overview of associated research groups, research cooperations and partner institutes.

As­so­ci­ated re­search groups

Dies ist das Icon der assoziierten Forschungsgruppe "Entwicklung symmetrischer mentaler Modelle"

De­vel­op­ment of sym­met­ric men­tal mod­els

The independent research group “Development of Symmetric Mental Models” headed by Christian Schulz is researching new ways of generating mental models using Explainable Artificial Intelligence.

To the research group
Dies ist das Icon der assoziierten Forschungsgruppe "Human-Centric Explainable AI"

Hu­man-Cent­ric Ex­plain­able AI

The independent research group “Human-Centric Explainable AI”, led by Dr David Johnson, investigates the cognitive processing of AI-generated explanations in highly sensitive situations.

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Re­search co­oper­a­tions


SAIL is an interdisciplinary, inter-institutional research cooperation between Bielefeld University, Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences and TH OWL. The institution focuses on the sustainable, holistic introduction of AI technologies. The entire life cycle of the systems is to be taken into account.

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The aim of the Bielefeld-Paderborn Joint Artificial Intelligence Institute (JAII) is to lay the foundations for human-centered AI systems that can act as competent partners and are capable of solving real-world problems in specific domains. The institute organizes a series of lectures on various AI topics.

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For research into Explainable Artificial Intelligence in medical applications, TRR 318 is working together with medical staff of the Bethel evangelical hospital.

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Researchers of subproject C05 are cooperating with Ruhr-Epileptology of the Knappschaft Clinics Bochum.

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Uni­ver­sity Col­lege Lon­don

Researchers of subproject A01 are collaborating with University College London.

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Part­ner in­sti­tutes

Lud­wig Max­imili­ans Uni­ver­sity Mu­nich

TRR 318 works together with the Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning teaching and research unit at Ludwig Maximilians University Munich. It is headed by Professor Eyke Hüllermeier.

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The image shows the logo of the natural language processing research group of Hannover university.

Leib­n­iz Uni­ver­sity Han­nov­er

The TRR 318 cooperates with the Natural Language Processing working group headed by Professor Henning Wachsmuth. The working group is based at the Institute for Artificial Intelligence at Leibniz University Hannover.

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