Scientific Conferences

Since 2022, TRR 318 has hosted its own international scientific conference titled “Explaining Machines”. The first conference in June 2022 was held at Bielefeld University and focused on perspectives from the social sciences on explainable artificial intelligence (known as XAI for short).

The second conference in 2023 was titled "Measuring Understanding" and focused on the evaluation and measurement of understanding in different contexts.

Up­com­ing Con­fer­ences


09.09 - 13.09.24, Vilnius (Lithuania) | The TRR takes part in European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD) 2024 by organizing a workshop.

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MMSYM 2024

25.09 - 27.09.2024, Frankfurt (Germany) | Project leader Petra Wagner will be a keynote speaker at the second International Symposium on Multimodal Communication.

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26th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction

04.11 - 08.11.2024, San José (Costa Rica) | Researchers of TRR 318 participate with a workshop on multimodal co-construction of explanations.

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27th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence

19.11 - 24.11.2024, Santiago de Compostella (Spain) | Members of TRR 318 will organize and participate in a workshop

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Pre­vi­ous Con­fer­ences


2nd World Conference on eXplainable Artificial Intelligence

17.07 - 19.07.24, Valletta (Malta) | TRR researchers are attending the 2nd World Conference on eXplainable Artificial Intelligence.

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DataNinja sAIOnARA 2024 Conference

25.06 - 27.06.24, Bielefeld | TRR-Researchers are involved with the organization and TRR-Project leader Henning Wachsmuth will be a keynote speaker.

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1st International Conference on Recent Advances in Robust Argumentation Machines

05.06 - 07.06.24, Bielefeld (Germany) | TRR researcher Henning Wachsmuth will be a keynote speaker at the 1st International Conference on Recent Advances in Robust Argumentation Machines.

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KI-Forschung trifft Praxis

23.05.24, Bielefeld | Mitglieder des TRR halten Vorträge zur Nutzung und den Herausforderungen von der KI-Nutzung in der praktischen Anwendung.

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46. International Conference on Software Engineering 2024

14.04 - 20.04.2024, Lisbon (Portugal) | Researchers of TRR 318 present a publication at a workshop.

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40. Forum Kommunikationskultur 2023

17.-19.11.2023, Bielefeld University | TRR researchers conduct an interaction study on which visitors can participate.

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Forum Wissenschaftskommunikation

15.-17.11.2023 Bielefeld | TRR researchers give a presentation and open an AI-showroom, which can be visited during the event.

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2. TRR 318 Conference Measuring Understanding

06.-07.11.2023, Paderborn University | The second international conference held by TRR 318.

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4th Summer School on Social Human-Robot Interaction

18- 23.09.2023 Chęciny (Polen) | Josephine Beryl Fisher (A01), Vivien Lohmer (A04) and Amit Singh (A05) were at the 4th edition of the Summer School in Social Human-Robot-Interaction at the European Centre for Geological Education in Chęciny, Poland.

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NII Shonan Meeting

18.-21.09.2023 Kanagawa (Japan) | TRR researchers organize and contribute with talks.

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DynXAI Workshop at European Conference on ML and PKDD

18.09.2023, Turin (Italy) | The TRR participats with a workshop: „Explainable Artificial Intelligence: From Static to Dynamic“

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The 27th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue

16.-17.08.2023 Maribor (Slovenia) | TRR researchers from subproject A01 are participating with a talk.

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1st World Conference on eXplainable AI (XAI)

26.-28.07.2023, Lissabon (Portugal) | tba

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re:publica 2023 - Festival for the digital society

05.-07.06.2023, Berlin | The Transregio is represented at re:publica with an installation. Here, visitors can experience AI at eye level.

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65th Meeting of Experimental Psychologists (TeaP)

26.-29.03.2023, Trier | TRR researchers will participate on site with presentations and posters.

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NII Shonan Meeting „Natural Interaction with Humanoid Robots"

23.-26.01.2023, Kanagawa (Japan) | TRR researchers on site with presentation on human-robot interactions, and TRR research.

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27th German Congress of Germanists 2022

25.-28.09.2022, Paderborn University | TRR 318 on site with panel on "Dialogical and Social Role in Explanatory Processes".

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Interdisciplinary Conference "Data Society"

20.-22.09.2022, Paderborn University | Talk by Katharina Rohlfing; Panels with poster of the subprojects A05, Ö, C02 and A03; Poster presentation of subproject A03 in the HNF.

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2022 International Conference on Development and Learning

12.-15.09.2022, London | TRR researchers featured with workshop on "Better understanding scaffolding mechanisms to advance research on (explainable) AI".

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52nd Congress of the German Psychological Society

10.-15.09.2022, Hildesheim | TRR Scientist on site with presentations on "elements of explaining".

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CogSci 2022 Cognitive Diversity in Toronto

CogSci 2022 Cognitive Diversity in Toronto | TRR poster presentation about "Explain with, rather than explain to: How explainees shape their learning".

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17. IFCS „Classification & Data Science in the Digital Age“

19.-23.07.2022, Porto | TRR researchers featured with contributions on Interpretable Machine Learning and organization of the invited session on XAI.

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1. TRR 318 Konferenz Explaining Machines

23.-24.06.2022, Bielefeld University | Lectures and talks with international researchers focusing on social science perspectives on XAI.

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