AI Forum

Artificial intelligence (AI) describes the attempt to automate intelligent behavior. Through the interaction of algorithms and data, machines learn, analyze and solve complex tasks that usually require human intelligence. AI technologies are often able to react to feedback and learn from it. They now play a major role in our everyday lives: in chatbots and voice-controlled systems, video platforms and streaming services or in self-driving cars.

Here you will find insights into the topic of artificial intelligence and the research of TRR 318. Questions are welcome and can be asked on this page!

Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence: Your Ques­tions, Our An­swers

How does AI affect the creation of text and images? Do we really know what AI can and cannot do? We have already received many interesting questions. If you have your own questions, you can ask them here and get answers from TRR experts.

To Questions and Answers
The image shows the research profile of TRR 318. The relations between the research areas and the other projects is shown.

Re­search Pro­file

The scientists in TRR 318 are working intensively on the question of how to make Artificial Intelligence transparent and comprehensible. Learn more in our research profile.

To the research profile

AI Work­shops

In our Co-Construction Workshops (CCWS), participants can explore an artificially intelligent system. They learn more about how artificial intelligence (AI) works and what influence data has on the system. In addition, the effects of using AI systems are discussed.

To the workshops

AI is...

If you type “AI is” into a search engine, you will automatically get suggestions. It is not uncommon for prejudices to appear here, which are categorized by our researchers.

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ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence chatbot developed by OpenAI. It allows users to communicate with a system via text and voice input. Two researchers from TRR 318 explain the technical and sociological significance of ChatGPT.

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