The Integrated Research Training Group (RTG) structures the advanced training of doctoral students and postdocs. To this end, we offer a workshop program for the development of research- and career-related as well as personal skills, consulting, networking and mentoring. We will also organize events such as writing ashrams and conferences. A central focus is on the preparation for and support of interdisciplinary research.

Would you like to become a member of the Integrated Research Training Group? Associations (link here to the document with information on the application for association) can be applied for by sending an e-mail to

All members of the Integrated Research Training Group receive information via the homepage, the RTG mailing list and the RTG KOMO course. Please check back from time to time!

We cordially invite external PhD students to visit the TRR and express their interest in a visiting fellowship in our Collaborative Research Center via e-mail!

RTG Events

28.03.2025 - 28.03.2025

Writ­ing Day in Pader­born led by Dr. An­drea Karsten

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02.04.2025 - 02.04.2025

On­line-Work­shop Good Sci­entif­ic Prac­tice, Dr. Anne Hamker, Leipzig

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23.05.2025 - 23.05.2025

Writ­ing Day in Pader­born led by Dr. An­drea Karsten

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02.07.2025 - 04.07.2025

Writ­ing Re­treat led by An­drea Karsten (02.-04.07.2025)

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21.11.2025 - 21.11.2025

Writ­ing Day in Pader­born led by Dr. An­drea Karsten

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More news

Coordination Team

Prof. Dr. Ingrid Scharlau

More about the person

Dr. Ricarda Kurock

More about the person

Dr. Andrea Karsten

More about the person

Student Assists

Amy Leis, Paderborn University

Merle Teimann, Paderborn University

Goals, ele­ments and pro­gram of the RTG

Interdisciplinarity skills are vital for our TRR. Although interdisciplinary cooperation has its difficulties and pitfalls, the nature of interdisciplinarity is well understood and there are well-established training programs. Our qualification program relies on this knowledge. Its aim is two-fold: We want the scientists to achieve a deep understanding of individual disciplines and respect for their ways of practicing research, and we also want them to promote their agency in actively shaping disciplinary and interdisciplinary practices.

The qualification program consists of workshops on decoding the disciplines and interdisciplinarity competencies (took place in 2021, 2022, 2023 and small grants for additional interdisciplinary projects developed and headed by early-career researchers.

The workshop program consists of workshops (e.g., good scientific practice, advanced research methods, training in research methods outside one’s discipline, writing workshops, career-related workshops) and yearly writing ashrams. There is a regular program for all members, but individual elements can – and should – be negotiated with the RTG office.

Potential conflicts with the supervisors will be addressed by several stages (counseling with the RTG officer (Ricarda Kurock), counseling with the RTG head (Ingrid Scharlau) and the supervisor, mediation with a UPB/UBI representative for conflict management or an external mediator). Please get in contact with us, if you want to talk confidentially about conflicts (

The RTG aims to establish a close-knitted community of practice. The core network will be the RTG members ­– (post)doctoral students and associated members) –, framed by the PLs as TRR members. Establishment of the core network is prepared by the common training program and the collaboration program. Networking is further supported by a common space for academic writing where researchers can meet, write, work, talk, and experience the presence and practices of others.

Travel funds for conferences and extended stays at international institutions further strengthen the networks. RTG members are encouraged to visit international research groups for a few weeks.

PLs offer short mentoring dialogs with different topics which are listed in the KOMO course.

In 2024, the doctoral researchers to attend a workshop for planning the postdoctoral phase. They can apply for individual research grants that allow them to develop their research profiles and gain experience in writing grant proposals. In 2024, we offer lunch talks with persons who work on explainability-related issues in other fields than science.

Ad­vis­ory board

Members of the Paderborn University

Prof. Dr. Johannes Blömer, Vice President for Research and Young Scientists and Professor at the Institute of Computer Science Anda-Lisa Harmening, Coordinator of the Graduate Center of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities

Dr. Martina Philippi, Representative of the postdocs

Members of Bielefeld University

Prof. Dr. Marie I. Kaiser, Professor of Philosophy of Science and former Vice-Rector for Human Resources Development and Gender Equality (own Homepage)

Dr. Uschi Baaken, Equal Opportunities Officer

Vivien Lohmer, Representative of the doctoral students

External members

Prof. Dr. Nicole Kronberger, Professor of Social Psychology at Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria

Prof. Dr. Anna Kosmützky, Professor for Methodology of Higher Education and Science Research at Leibniz University Hannover
