Workshop „Writing an exposé“

Writing an exposé very often is the decisive step towards officially committing to your PhD project and thus really entering into the PhD phase.

In this workshop, you will get to know methods, try out hands-on exercises, and receive tips and information on the exposé text genre. You will also give and receive peer text-feedback on your exposé drafts.

Our goal is to address central questions regarding the exposé:

  • What does a good exposé look like and which textual steps or ‘building blocks’ does it include?
  • What specific topic do I want to work on?
  • Which methods, concepts and theories will I use in my research?
  • What are the questions and goals that my PhD project will address?
  • How do I formulate my PhD project so that others recognize the value of my research?

Please bring all your PhD notes and ideas and a first draft of your exposé (1-2 pages) to the workshop.

To register for the workshop, please send a short e-mail to rtg(at)trr318.upb(dot)de by 13.01.22.