
Der TRR 318 veranstaltet Workshops rund um die Themen Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) und Erklärbare Künstliche Intelligenz (XAI).

Co-Con­struc­ti­on Work­shops

In unseren Co-Construction Workshops können Sie ein künstlich intelligentes System erforschen. Dabei erfahren Sie mehr über die Funktionsweisen von KI und welchen Einfluss Daten auf das System haben. Diese Workshops werden nach Vereinbarung angeboten und richten sich an unterschiedliche Zielgruppen wie Schulklassen und Entscheidungsträger*innen.

An­ste­hen­de Work­shops

SemDial 25

03.09 - 05.09.25, Bielefeld (Germany) | The focus of this workshop will be the investigation of prerequisites for meaningful interaction between humans and artificial conversational agents.

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Ver­gan­ge­ne Work­shops


Multimodal Co-Construction of Explanations with XAI Workshop

04.11.24, San José (Costa Rica) | This workshops aims to bring together the disciplines of Explainable AI (XAI) and Multimodal Communication. It will be held at ACM ICMI 2024 in a hybrind format.

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MAI - XAI Multimodal, Affective and Interactive eXplainable AI

19.10 - 20.10.24, Santiago de Compostela (Spain) | Towards designing systems that can develop an engaging and natural explanatory interaction with users, members of the TRR are co-organising a workshop on multimodal, affective and interactive XAI (MAI-XAI) as part of this year’s edition of the ECAI in Santiago de Compostela, Spain.

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TempXAI: Explainable AI for Time Series and Data Streams Tutorial-Workshop

09.09 - 13.09.24, Vilnius (Lithuania) | This full day workshop focuses on exploring the crucial intersection of Explainable AI (XAI) and the challenges posed by time series and data streams

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Political Virtues in the Age of Technology

14.06.24, Zoom (Online) | This workshop brings together an international group of scholars to discuss how new technologies mediate political virtues, and how the latter may be strengthened in light of new challenges posed by AI, blockchain, and other emerging technologies.

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Ethics and Nor­ma­ti­vi­ty of Ex­plaina­ble AI

15.05 - 17.05.24, Paderborn | The workshop serves to sort out different normative expectations and implications and tries to link them to the task of value-oriented technology design.

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