
Al­le Pu­bli­ka­ti­o­nen


Humans in XAI: Increased Reliance in Decision-Making Under Uncertainty by Using Explanation Strategies

O. Lammert, B. Richter, C. Schütze, K. Thommes, B. Wrede, Frontiers in Behavioral Economics (2024).

Beyond TreeSHAP: Efficient Computation of Any-Order Shapley Interactions for Tree Ensembles

M. Muschalik, F. Fumagalli, B. Hammer, E. Huellermeier, Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 38 (2024) 14388–14396.

Safety Assistance Systems for Bicyclists: Toward Empirical Studies of the Dooring Problem

L. Stratmann, N.C. Banh, I. Scharlau, F. Dressler, in: ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC 2024), Advanced Tools, Programming Languages, and PLatforms for Implementing and Evaluating Algorithms for Distributed Systems (ApPLIED 2024), Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Nantes, France, 2024.

Learning decision catalogues for situated decision making: The case of scoring systems

S. Heid, J.M. Hanselle, J. Fürnkranz, E. Hüllermeier, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 171 (2024).

Vernakulärer Code oder die Geister, die der Algorithmus rief - digitale Schriftlichkeit im Kontext von sozialen Medienplattformen

C. Schulz, in: M. Bartelmus, A. Nebrig (Eds.), Digitale Schriftlichkeit – Progammieren, Prozessieren und Codieren von Schrift, 1st ed., transcript , Bielefeld, 2024.

Vom foto-sozialen Graph zum Story-Format: Über die Institutionalisierung sozialmedialer Infrastruktur aus dem Geiste der Fotografie

C. Schulz, in: A. Schürmann, K. Yacavone (Eds.), Die Fotografie und ihre Institutionen. Von der Lehrsammlung zum Bundesinstitut , 1st ed., Reimer Verlag, Berlin , n.d.

SVARM-IQ: Efficient Approximation of Any-order Shapley Interactions through Stratification

P. Kolpaczki, M. Muschalik, F. Fumagalli, B. Hammer, E. Huellermeier, in: S. Dasgupta, S. Mandt, Y. Li (Eds.), Proceedings of The 27th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, PMLR, 2024, pp. 3520–3528.

Human Emotions in AI Explanations

K. Thommes, O. Lammert, C. Schütze, B. Richter, B. Wrede, in: Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham, 2024.

The Power of Combined Modalities in Interactive Robot Learning

H. Beierling, A.-L. Vollmer, ArXiv:2405.07817 (2024).

Towards a Computational Architecture for Co-Constructive Explainable Systems

M. Booshehri, H. Buschmeier, P. Cimiano, S. Kopp, J. Kornowicz, O. Lammert, M. Matarese, D. Mindlin, A.S. Robrecht, A.-L. Vollmer, P. Wagner, B. Wrede, in: Proceedings of the 2024 Workshop on Explainability Engineering, ACM, 2024.

Advancing Human-Robot Collaboration: The Impact of Flexible Input Mechanisms

H. Beierling, K. Loos, R. Helmert, A.-L. Vollmer, in: 2024.

Analyzing the Use of Metaphors in News Editorials for Political Framing

M. Sengupta, R. El Baff, M. Alshomary, H. Wachsmuth, in: K. Duh, H. Gomez, S. Bethard (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (Volume 1: Long Papers), Association for Computational Linguistics, Mexico City, Mexico, 2024, pp. 3621–3631.

Modeling the Quality of Dialogical Explanations

M. Alshomary, F. Lange, M. Booshehri, M. Sengupta, P. Cimiano, H. Wachsmuth, in: N. Calzolari, M.-Y. Kan, V. Hoste, A. Lenci, S. Sakti, N. Xue (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024), ELRA and ICCL, Torino, Italia, 2024, pp. 11523–11536.


Contrastiveness in the context of action demonstration: an eye-tracking study on its effects on action perception and action recall

A. Singh, K.J. Rohlfing, in: Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 45 (45), Cognitive Science Society, Sydney, Australia, 2023.

On Feature Importance and Interpretability of Speaker Representations

F. Rautenberg, M. Kuhlmann, J. Wiechmann, F. Seebauer, P. Wagner, R. Haeb-Umbach, in: ITG Conference on Speech Communication, 2023.

Explaining voice characteristics to novice voice practitioners-How successful is it?

J. Wiechmann, F. Rautenberg, P. Wagner, R. Haeb-Umbach, in: 20th International Congress of the Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS) , 2023.

The Role of Response Time for Algorithm Aversion in Fast and Slow Thinking Tasks

A. Lebedeva, J. Kornowicz, O. Lammert, J. Papenkordt, in: Artificial Intelligence in HCI, 2023.

The Importance of Distrust in AI

T.M. Peters, R.W. Visser, in: Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham, 2023.

Re-examining the quality dimensions of synthetic speech

F. Seebauer, M. Kuhlmann, R. Haeb-Umbach, P. Wagner, in: 12th Speech Synthesis Workshop (SSW) 2023, 2023.

Incremental permutation feature importance (iPFI): towards online explanations on data streams

F. Fumagalli, M. Muschalik, E. Hüllermeier, B. Hammer, Machine Learning (2023).

Technology and Civic Virtue

W. Reijers, Philosophy & Technology 36 (2023).

Aggregating Human Domain Knowledge for Feature Ranking

J. Kornowicz, K. Thommes, Artificial Intelligence in HCI (2023).

RISE: an open-source architecture for interdisciplinary and reproducible human–robot interaction research

A. Groß, C. Schütze, M. Brandt, B. Wrede, B. Richter, Frontiers in Robotics and AI 10 (2023).

Schreibfokussierte Graduiertenförderung: Reflexive Spezialisierung für interdisziplinäre Forschungskontexte

I. Scharlau, A. Karsten, in: B. Berendt, A. Fleischmann, G. Salmhofer, N. Schaper, B. Szczyrba, M. Wiemer, J. Wildt (Eds.), Neues Handbuch Hochschullehre, DUZ medienhaus, 2023, pp. 17–35.

Adding Why to What? Analyses of an Everyday Explanation

L. Terfloth, M. Schaffer, H.M. Buhl, C. Schulte, in: Springer, Cham, 2023.

What is AI Ethics? Ethics as means of self-regulation and the need for critical reflection

S. Alpsancar, in: International Conference on Computer Ethics 2023, 2023, pp. 1--17.

From mental models to algorithmic imaginaries to co-constructive mental models

C. Schulz, Navigationen – Zeitschrift Für Medien- Und Kulturwissenschaften 2 (2023) 65–75.

Tech/Imaginations – Introduction

C. Schulz, J. Schröter, Navigationen – Zeitschrift Für Medien- Und Kulturwissenschaften 2 (2023) 7–14.

A new algorithmic imaginary

C. Schulz, Media, Culture & Society 45 (2023) 646–655.

EEG Correlates of Distractions and Hesitations in Human–Robot Interaction: A LabLinking Pilot Study

B. Richter, F. Putze, G. Ivucic, M. Brandt, C. Schütze, R. Reisenhofer, B. Wrede, T. Schultz, Multimodal Technologies and Interaction 7 (2023).

SNAPE: A Sequential Non-Stationary Decision Process Model for Adaptive Explanation Generation

A. Robrecht, S. Kopp, in: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, 2023, pp. 48–58.

Technical Transparency for Robot Navigation Through AR Visualizations

L. Dyck, H. Beierling, R. Helmert, A.-L. Vollmer, in: Companion of the 2023 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, ACM, 2023, pp. 720–724.

Does Explainability Require Transparency?

E. Esposito, Sociologica 16 (2023) 17–27.

Speech Disentanglement for Analysis and Modification of Acoustic and Perceptual Speaker Characteristics

F. Rautenberg, M. Kuhlmann, J. Ebbers, J. Wiechmann, F. Seebauer, P. Wagner, R. Haeb-Umbach, in: Fortschritte Der Akustik - DAGA 2023, 2023, pp. 1409–1412.

Comparing Humans and Algorithms in Feature Ranking: A Case-Study in the Medical Domain

J. Hanselle, J. Kornowicz, S. Heid, K. Thommes, E. Hüllermeier, in: Lernen, Wissen, Daten, Analysen (LWDA) Conference Proceedings, 2023.

iSAGE: An Incremental Version of SAGE for Online Explanation on Data Streams

M. Muschalik, F. Fumagalli, B. Hammer, E. Huellermeier, in: Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: Research Track, Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham, 2023.

iPDP: On Partial Dependence Plots in Dynamic Modeling Scenarios

M. Muschalik, F. Fumagalli, R. Jagtani, B. Hammer, E. Huellermeier, in: Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham, 2023.

Incremental permutation feature importance (iPFI): towards online explanations on data streams

F. Fumagalli, M. Muschalik, E. Hüllermeier, B. Hammer, Machine Learning 112 (2023) 4863–4903.

On Feature Removal for Explainability in Dynamic Environments

F. Fumagalli, M. Muschalik, E. Hüllermeier, B. Hammer, in: ESANN 2023 Proceedings, publ., 2023.

SHAP-IQ: Unified Approximation of any-order Shapley Interactions

F. Fumagalli, M. Muschalik, P. Kolpaczki, E. Hüllermeier, B. Hammer, in: NeurIPS 2023 - Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, Curran Associates, Inc., 2023, pp. 11515--11551.

Modeling Highlighting of Metaphors in Multitask Contrastive Learning Paradigms

M. Sengupta, M. Alshomary, I. Scharlau, H. Wachsmuth, in: Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023, Association for Computational Linguistics, 2023.

Back to the Roots: Predicting the Source Domain of Metaphors using Contrastive Learning

M. Sengupta, M. Alshomary, H. Wachsmuth, in: Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Figurative Language Processing (FLP), Association for Computational Linguistics, 2023.

On the Multimodal Resolution of a Search Sequence in Virtual Reality

N. Klowait, Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies 2023 (2023) 1–15.

Halting the Decay of Talk

N. Klowait, M. Erofeeva, Social Interaction. Video-Based Studies of Human Sociality 6 (2023).

First steps towards real-time assessment of attentional weights and capacity according to TVA

N.C. Banh, I. Scharlau, in: S. Merz, C. Frings, B. Leuchtenberg, B. Moeller, S. Mueller, R. Neumann, B. Pastötter, L. Pingen, G. Schui (Eds.), Abstracts of the 65th TeaP, ZPID (Leibniz Institute for Psychology), 2023.

Scaffolding the human partner by contrastive guidance in an explanatory human-robot dialogue

A. Groß, A. Singh, N.C. Banh, B. Richter, I. Scharlau, K.J. Rohlfing, B. Wrede, Frontiers in Robotics and AI 10 (2023).

Probabilistic Scoring Lists for Interpretable Machine Learning

J.M. Hanselle, J. Fürnkranz, E. Hüllermeier, in: Discovery Science, Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham, 2023.


C. Schulz, J. Schröter, C. Ernst, eds., Tech/Imaginations, Universi Verlag , 2023.

Emotional Debiasing Explanations for Decisions in HCI

C. Schütze, O. Lammert, B. Richter, K. Thommes, B. Wrede, in: Artificial Intelligence in HCI, 2023.

SNAPE: A Sequential Non-Stationary Decision Process Model for Adaptive Explanation Generation

A. Robrecht, S. Kopp, in: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, 2023.

A Study on the Benefits and Drawbacks of Adaptivity in AI-generated Explanations

A. Robrecht, M. Rothgänger, S. Kopp, in: Proceedings of the 23rd ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents, ACM, 2023.

Exploring the Semantic Dialogue Patterns of Explanations – a Case Study of Game Explanations

J. Fisher, A. Robrecht, S. Kopp, K. Rohlfing, in: Proceedings of the 27th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue , 2023.

Forms of Understanding of XAI-Explanations

H. Buschmeier, H.M. Buhl, F. Kern, A. Grimminger, H. Beierling, J. Fisher, A. Groß, I. Horwath, N. Klowait, S. Lazarov, M. Lenke, V. Lohmer, K. Rohlfing, I. Scharlau, A. Singh, L. Terfloth, A.-L. Vollmer, Y. Wang, A. Wilmes, B. Wrede, ArXiv:2311.08760 (2023).

What you need to know about a learning robot: Identifying the enabling architecture of complex systems

H. Beierling, P. Richter, M. Brandt, L. Terfloth, C. Schulte, H. Wersing, A.-L. Vollmer, ArXiv:2311.14431 (2023).

Modeling Highlighting of Metaphors in Multitask Contrastive Learning Paradigms

M. Sengupta, M. Alshomary, I. Scharlau, H. Wachsmuth, in: H. Bouamor, J. Pino, K. Bali (Eds.), Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023, Association for Computational Linguistics, Singapore, 2023, pp. 4636–4659.


(De)Coding Social Practice in the Field of XAI: Towards a Co-constructive Framework of Explanations and Understanding Between Lay Users and Algorithmic Systems

J. Finke, I. Horwath, T. Matzner, C. Schulz, in: Artificial Intelligence in HCI, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2022, pp. 149–160.

Effects of verbal negation on TVA’s capacity and weight parameters

N.C. Banh, I. Scharlau, in: S. Malejka, M. Barth, H. Haider, C. Stahl (Eds.), TeaP 2022 - Abstracts of the 64th Conference of Experimental Psychologists , Pabst Science Publishers, 2022.

Folgen wiederholter Negation auf die Aufmerksamkeit

N.C. Banh, I. Scharlau, K.J. Rohlfing, in: C. Bermeitinger, W. Greve (Eds.), 52. Kongress Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Für Psychologie, 2022.

Technically enabled explaining of voice characteristics

J. Wiechmann, T. Glarner, F. Rautenberg, P. Wagner, R. Haeb-Umbach, in: 18. Phonetik Und Phonologie Im Deutschsprachigen Raum (P&P), 2022.

What is Missing in XAI So Far?

U. Schmid, B. Wrede, KI - Künstliche Intelligenz 36 (2022) 303–315.

Explainable AI

U. Schmid, B. Wrede, KI - Künstliche Intelligenz 36 (2022) 207–210.

AI: Back to the Roots?

B. Wrede, KI - Künstliche Intelligenz 36 (2022) 117–120.

Exploring Monological and Dialogical Phases in Naturally Occurring Explanations

J.B. Fisher, V. Lohmer, F. Kern, W. Barthlen, S. Gaus, K. Rohlfing, KI - Künstliche Intelligenz 36 (2022) 317–326.

Formalizing cognitive biases in medical diagnostic reasoning

D. Battefeld, S. Kopp, in: Presented at the 8th Workshop on Formal and Cognitive Reasoning (FCR), Trier., 2022.

Modeling Feedback in Interaction With Conversational Agents—A Review

A. Axelsson, H. Buschmeier, G. Skantze, Frontiers in Computer Science 4 (2022).

An Architecture Supporting Configurable Autonomous Multimodal Joint-Attention-Therapy for Various Robotic Systems

A. Groß, C. Schütze, B. Wrede, B. Richter, in: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MULTIMODAL INTERACTION, ACM, 2022, pp. 154–159.

Enabling Non-Technical Domain Experts to Create Robot-Assisted Therapeutic Scenarios via Visual Programming

C. Schütze, A. Groß, B. Wrede, B. Richter, in: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MULTIMODAL INTERACTION, ACM, 2022, pp. 166–170.

Agnostic Explanation of Model Change based on Feature Importance

M. Muschalik, F. Fumagalli, B. Hammer, E. Huellermeier, KI - Künstliche Intelligenz 36 (2022) 211–224.

User Involvement in Training Smart Home Agents

L.N. Sieger, J. Hermann, A. Schomäcker, S. Heindorf, C. Meske, C.-C. Hey, A. Doğangün, in: International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction, ACM, 2022.

(De)Coding social practice in the field of XAI: Towards a co-constructive framework of explanations and understanding between lay users and algorithmic systems

J. Finke, I. Horwath, T. Matzner, C. Schulz, in: Artificial Intelligence in HCI, Springer International Publishing , Cham, 2022, pp. 149–160.

“Mama Always Had a Way of Explaining Things So I Could Understand”: A Dialogue Corpus for Learning to Construct Explanations

H. Wachsmuth, M. Alshomary, in: N. Calzolari, C.-R. Huang, H. Kim, J. Pustejovsky, L. Wanner, K.-S. Choi, P.-M. Ryu, H.-H. Chen, L. Donatelli, H. Ji, S. Kurohashi, P. Paggio, N. Xue, S. Kim, Y. Hahm, Z. He, T.K. Lee, E. Santus, F. Bond, S.-H. Na (Eds.), Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, International Committee on Computational Linguistics, Gyeongju, Republic of Korea, 2022, pp. 344–354.

Back to the Roots: Predicting the Source Domain of Metaphors using Contrastive Learning

M. Sengupta, M. Alshomary, H. Wachsmuth, in: Proceedings of the 2022 Workshop on Figurative Language Processing, 2022.


Explanation as a Social Practice: Toward a Conceptual Framework for the Social Design of AI Systems

K.J. Rohlfing, P. Cimiano, I. Scharlau, T. Matzner, H.M. Buhl, H. Buschmeier, E. Esposito, A. Grimminger, B. Hammer, R. Haeb-Umbach, I. Horwath, E. Hüllermeier, F. Kern, S. Kopp, K. Thommes, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, C. Schulte, H. Wachsmuth, P. Wagner, B. Wrede, IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems 13 (2021) 717–728.

Alle Publikationen anzeigen



Humans in XAI: Increased Reliance in Decision-Making Under Uncertainty by Using Explanation Strategies

Lammert, O., Richter, B., Schütze, C., Thommes, K., & Wrede, B. (2024). Humans in XAI: Increased Reliance in Decision-Making Under Uncertainty by Using Explanation Strategies. Frontiers in Behavioral Economics.

Beyond TreeSHAP: Efficient Computation of Any-Order Shapley Interactions for Tree Ensembles

Muschalik, M., Fumagalli, F., Hammer, B., & Huellermeier, E. (2024). Beyond TreeSHAP: Efficient Computation of Any-Order Shapley Interactions for Tree Ensembles. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 38(13), 14388–14396.

Learning decision catalogues for situated decision making: The case of scoring systems

Heid, S., Hanselle, J. M., Fürnkranz, J., & Hüllermeier, E. (2024). Learning decision catalogues for situated decision making: The case of scoring systems. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 171, Article 109190.

On "Super Likes" and Algorithmic (In)Visibilities: Frictions Between Social and Economic Logics in the Context of Social Media Platforms

Schulz, C. (n.d.). On “Super Likes” and Algorithmic (In)Visibilities: Frictions Between Social and Economic Logics in the Context of Social Media Platforms. Digital Culture & Society , 2.


Incremental permutation feature importance (iPFI): towards online explanations on data streams

Fumagalli, F., Muschalik, M., Hüllermeier, E., & Hammer, B. (2023). Incremental permutation feature importance (iPFI): towards online explanations on data streams. Machine Learning.

“I do not know! but why?” — Local model-agnostic example-based explanations of reject

Artelt, A., Visser, R., & Hammer, B. (2023). “I do not know! but why?” — Local model-agnostic example-based explanations of reject. Neurocomputing, 558, Article 126722.

Technology and Civic Virtue

Reijers, W. (2023). Technology and Civic Virtue. Philosophy & Technology, 36(4), Article 71.

Aggregating Human Domain Knowledge for Feature Ranking

Kornowicz, J., & Thommes, K. (2023). Aggregating Human Domain Knowledge for Feature Ranking. Artificial Intelligence in HCI.

RISE: an open-source architecture for interdisciplinary and reproducible human–robot interaction research

Groß, A., Schütze, C., Brandt, M., Wrede, B., & Richter, B. (2023). RISE: an open-source architecture for interdisciplinary and reproducible human–robot interaction research. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 10.

From mental models to algorithmic imaginaries to co-constructive mental models

Schulz, C. (2023). From mental models to algorithmic imaginaries to co-constructive mental models. Navigationen – Zeitschrift Für Medien- Und Kulturwissenschaften , 2, 65–75.

Tech/Imaginations – Introduction

Schulz, C., & Schröter, J. (2023). Tech/Imaginations – Introduction. Navigationen – Zeitschrift Für Medien- Und Kulturwissenschaften , 2, 7–14.

A new algorithmic imaginary

Schulz, C. (2023). A new algorithmic imaginary. Media, Culture & Society, 45(3), 646–655.

EEG Correlates of Distractions and Hesitations in Human–Robot Interaction: A LabLinking Pilot Study

Richter, B., Putze, F., Ivucic, G., Brandt, M., Schütze, C., Reisenhofer, R., Wrede, B., & Schultz, T. (2023). EEG Correlates of Distractions and Hesitations in Human–Robot Interaction: A LabLinking Pilot Study. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, 7(4), Article 37.

Does Explainability Require Transparency?

Esposito, E. (2023). Does Explainability Require Transparency? Sociologica, 16(3), 17–27.

Explaining Machines: Social Management of Incomprehensible Algorithms. Introduction

Esposito, E. (2023). Explaining Machines: Social Management of Incomprehensible Algorithms. Introduction. Sociologica, 16(3), 1–4.

Incremental permutation feature importance (iPFI): towards online explanations on data streams

Fumagalli, F., Muschalik, M., Hüllermeier, E., & Hammer, B. (2023). Incremental permutation feature importance (iPFI): towards online explanations on data streams. Machine Learning, 112(12), 4863–4903.

On the Multimodal Resolution of a Search Sequence in Virtual Reality

Klowait, N. (2023). On the Multimodal Resolution of a Search Sequence in Virtual Reality. Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies, 2023, 1–15.

Halting the Decay of Talk

Klowait, N., & Erofeeva, M. (2023). Halting the Decay of Talk. Social Interaction. Video-Based Studies of Human Sociality, 6(1).

Scaffolding the human partner by contrastive guidance in an explanatory human-robot dialogue

Groß, A., Singh, A., Banh, N. C., Richter, B., Scharlau, I., Rohlfing, K. J., & Wrede, B. (2023). Scaffolding the human partner by contrastive guidance in an explanatory human-robot dialogue. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 10.


What is Missing in XAI So Far?

Schmid, U., & Wrede, B. (2022). What is Missing in XAI So Far? KI - Künstliche Intelligenz, 36(3–4), 303–315.

Explainable AI

Schmid, U., & Wrede, B. (2022). Explainable AI. KI - Künstliche Intelligenz, 36(3–4), 207–210.

AI: Back to the Roots?

Wrede, B. (2022). AI: Back to the Roots? KI - Künstliche Intelligenz, 36(2), 117–120.

Exploring Monological and Dialogical Phases in Naturally Occurring Explanations

Fisher, J. B., Lohmer, V., Kern, F., Barthlen, W., Gaus, S., & Rohlfing, K. (2022). Exploring Monological and Dialogical Phases in Naturally Occurring Explanations. KI - Künstliche Intelligenz, 36(3–4), 317–326.

Which “motionese” parameters change with children's age? Disentangling attention-getting from action-structuring modifications

Rohlfing, K., Vollmer, A.-L., Fritsch, J., & Wrede, B. (2022). Which “motionese” parameters change with children’s age? Disentangling attention-getting from action-structuring modifications. Frontiers in Communication, 7.

Modeling Feedback in Interaction With Conversational Agents—A Review

Axelsson, A., Buschmeier, H., & Skantze, G. (2022). Modeling Feedback in Interaction With Conversational Agents—A Review. Frontiers in Computer Science, 4.

Agnostic Explanation of Model Change based on Feature Importance

Muschalik, M., Fumagalli, F., Hammer, B., & Huellermeier, E. (2022). Agnostic Explanation of Model Change based on Feature Importance. KI - Künstliche Intelligenz, 36(3–4), 211–224.


Explanation as a Social Practice: Toward a Conceptual Framework for the Social Design of AI Systems

Rohlfing, K. J., Cimiano, P., Scharlau, I., Matzner, T., Buhl, H. M., Buschmeier, H., Esposito, E., Grimminger, A., Hammer, B., Haeb-Umbach, R., Horwath, I., Hüllermeier, E., Kern, F., Kopp, S., Thommes, K., Ngonga Ngomo, A.-C., Schulte, C., Wachsmuth, H., Wagner, P., & Wrede, B. (2021). Explanation as a Social Practice: Toward a Conceptual Framework for the Social Design of AI Systems. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems, 13(3), 717–728.

Alle Publikationen anzeigen



Safety Assistance Systems for Bicyclists: Toward Empirical Studies of the Dooring Problem

L. Stratmann, N.C. Banh, I. Scharlau, F. Dressler, in: ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC 2024), Advanced Tools, Programming Languages, and PLatforms for Implementing and Evaluating Algorithms for Distributed Systems (ApPLIED 2024), Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Nantes, France, 2024.

SVARM-IQ: Efficient Approximation of Any-order Shapley Interactions through Stratification

P. Kolpaczki, M. Muschalik, F. Fumagalli, B. Hammer, E. Huellermeier, in: S. Dasgupta, S. Mandt, Y. Li (Eds.), Proceedings of The 27th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, PMLR, 2024, pp. 3520–3528.

Human Emotions in AI Explanations

K. Thommes, O. Lammert, C. Schütze, B. Richter, B. Wrede, in: Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham, 2024.

Towards a Computational Architecture for Co-Constructive Explainable Systems

M. Booshehri, H. Buschmeier, P. Cimiano, S. Kopp, J. Kornowicz, O. Lammert, M. Matarese, D. Mindlin, A.S. Robrecht, A.-L. Vollmer, P. Wagner, B. Wrede, in: Proceedings of the 2024 Workshop on Explainability Engineering, ACM, 2024.

Advancing Human-Robot Collaboration: The Impact of Flexible Input Mechanisms

H. Beierling, K. Loos, R. Helmert, A.-L. Vollmer, in: 2024.

Analyzing the Use of Metaphors in News Editorials for Political Framing

M. Sengupta, R. El Baff, M. Alshomary, H. Wachsmuth, in: K. Duh, H. Gomez, S. Bethard (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (Volume 1: Long Papers), Association for Computational Linguistics, Mexico City, Mexico, 2024, pp. 3621–3631.

Modeling the Quality of Dialogical Explanations

M. Alshomary, F. Lange, M. Booshehri, M. Sengupta, P. Cimiano, H. Wachsmuth, in: N. Calzolari, M.-Y. Kan, V. Hoste, A. Lenci, S. Sakti, N. Xue (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024), ELRA and ICCL, Torino, Italia, 2024, pp. 11523–11536.


Contrastiveness in the context of action demonstration: an eye-tracking study on its effects on action perception and action recall

A. Singh, K.J. Rohlfing, in: Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 45 (45), Cognitive Science Society, Sydney, Australia, 2023.

On Feature Importance and Interpretability of Speaker Representations

F. Rautenberg, M. Kuhlmann, J. Wiechmann, F. Seebauer, P. Wagner, R. Haeb-Umbach, in: ITG Conference on Speech Communication, 2023.

Explaining voice characteristics to novice voice practitioners-How successful is it?

J. Wiechmann, F. Rautenberg, P. Wagner, R. Haeb-Umbach, in: 20th International Congress of the Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS) , 2023.

The Role of Response Time for Algorithm Aversion in Fast and Slow Thinking Tasks

A. Lebedeva, J. Kornowicz, O. Lammert, J. Papenkordt, in: Artificial Intelligence in HCI, 2023.

The Importance of Distrust in AI

T.M. Peters, R.W. Visser, in: Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham, 2023.

Re-examining the quality dimensions of synthetic speech

F. Seebauer, M. Kuhlmann, R. Haeb-Umbach, P. Wagner, in: 12th Speech Synthesis Workshop (SSW) 2023, 2023.

Adding Why to What? Analyses of an Everyday Explanation

L. Terfloth, M. Schaffer, H.M. Buhl, C. Schulte, in: Springer, Cham, 2023.

What is AI Ethics? Ethics as means of self-regulation and the need for critical reflection

S. Alpsancar, in: International Conference on Computer Ethics 2023, 2023, pp. 1--17.

SNAPE: A Sequential Non-Stationary Decision Process Model for Adaptive Explanation Generation

A. Robrecht, S. Kopp, in: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, 2023, pp. 48–58.

Technical Transparency for Robot Navigation Through AR Visualizations

L. Dyck, H. Beierling, R. Helmert, A.-L. Vollmer, in: Companion of the 2023 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, ACM, 2023, pp. 720–724.

Speech Disentanglement for Analysis and Modification of Acoustic and Perceptual Speaker Characteristics

F. Rautenberg, M. Kuhlmann, J. Ebbers, J. Wiechmann, F. Seebauer, P. Wagner, R. Haeb-Umbach, in: Fortschritte Der Akustik - DAGA 2023, 2023, pp. 1409–1412.

Comparing Humans and Algorithms in Feature Ranking: A Case-Study in the Medical Domain

J. Hanselle, J. Kornowicz, S. Heid, K. Thommes, E. Hüllermeier, in: Lernen, Wissen, Daten, Analysen (LWDA) Conference Proceedings, 2023.

On Feature Removal for Explainability in Dynamic Environments

F. Fumagalli, M. Muschalik, E. Hüllermeier, B. Hammer, in: ESANN 2023 Proceedings, publ., 2023.

SHAP-IQ: Unified Approximation of any-order Shapley Interactions

F. Fumagalli, M. Muschalik, P. Kolpaczki, E. Hüllermeier, B. Hammer, in: NeurIPS 2023 - Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, Curran Associates, Inc., 2023, pp. 11515--11551.

Modeling Highlighting of Metaphors in Multitask Contrastive Learning Paradigms

M. Sengupta, M. Alshomary, I. Scharlau, H. Wachsmuth, in: Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023, Association for Computational Linguistics, 2023.

Back to the Roots: Predicting the Source Domain of Metaphors using Contrastive Learning

M. Sengupta, M. Alshomary, H. Wachsmuth, in: Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Figurative Language Processing (FLP), Association for Computational Linguistics, 2023.

Emotional Debiasing Explanations for Decisions in HCI

C. Schütze, O. Lammert, B. Richter, K. Thommes, B. Wrede, in: Artificial Intelligence in HCI, 2023.

SNAPE: A Sequential Non-Stationary Decision Process Model for Adaptive Explanation Generation

A. Robrecht, S. Kopp, in: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, 2023.

A Study on the Benefits and Drawbacks of Adaptivity in AI-generated Explanations

A. Robrecht, M. Rothgänger, S. Kopp, in: Proceedings of the 23rd ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents, ACM, 2023.

Exploring the Semantic Dialogue Patterns of Explanations – a Case Study of Game Explanations

J. Fisher, A. Robrecht, S. Kopp, K. Rohlfing, in: Proceedings of the 27th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue , 2023.

Modeling Highlighting of Metaphors in Multitask Contrastive Learning Paradigms

M. Sengupta, M. Alshomary, I. Scharlau, H. Wachsmuth, in: H. Bouamor, J. Pino, K. Bali (Eds.), Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023, Association for Computational Linguistics, Singapore, 2023, pp. 4636–4659.


(De)Coding Social Practice in the Field of XAI: Towards a Co-constructive Framework of Explanations and Understanding Between Lay Users and Algorithmic Systems

J. Finke, I. Horwath, T. Matzner, C. Schulz, in: Artificial Intelligence in HCI, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2022, pp. 149–160.

Technically enabled explaining of voice characteristics

J. Wiechmann, T. Glarner, F. Rautenberg, P. Wagner, R. Haeb-Umbach, in: 18. Phonetik Und Phonologie Im Deutschsprachigen Raum (P&P), 2022.

Formalizing cognitive biases in medical diagnostic reasoning

D. Battefeld, S. Kopp, in: Presented at the 8th Workshop on Formal and Cognitive Reasoning (FCR), Trier., 2022.

An Architecture Supporting Configurable Autonomous Multimodal Joint-Attention-Therapy for Various Robotic Systems

A. Groß, C. Schütze, B. Wrede, B. Richter, in: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MULTIMODAL INTERACTION, ACM, 2022, pp. 154–159.

Enabling Non-Technical Domain Experts to Create Robot-Assisted Therapeutic Scenarios via Visual Programming

C. Schütze, A. Groß, B. Wrede, B. Richter, in: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MULTIMODAL INTERACTION, ACM, 2022, pp. 166–170.

User Involvement in Training Smart Home Agents

L.N. Sieger, J. Hermann, A. Schomäcker, S. Heindorf, C. Meske, C.-C. Hey, A. Doğangün, in: International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction, ACM, 2022.

(De)Coding social practice in the field of XAI: Towards a co-constructive framework of explanations and understanding between lay users and algorithmic systems

J. Finke, I. Horwath, T. Matzner, C. Schulz, in: Artificial Intelligence in HCI, Springer International Publishing , Cham, 2022, pp. 149–160.

“Mama Always Had a Way of Explaining Things So I Could Understand”: A Dialogue Corpus for Learning to Construct Explanations

H. Wachsmuth, M. Alshomary, in: N. Calzolari, C.-R. Huang, H. Kim, J. Pustejovsky, L. Wanner, K.-S. Choi, P.-M. Ryu, H.-H. Chen, L. Donatelli, H. Ji, S. Kurohashi, P. Paggio, N. Xue, S. Kim, Y. Hahm, Z. He, T.K. Lee, E. Santus, F. Bond, S.-H. Na (Eds.), Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, International Committee on Computational Linguistics, Gyeongju, Republic of Korea, 2022, pp. 344–354.

Back to the Roots: Predicting the Source Domain of Metaphors using Contrastive Learning

M. Sengupta, M. Alshomary, H. Wachsmuth, in: Proceedings of the 2022 Workshop on Figurative Language Processing, 2022.

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Kon­fe­renz Ab­s­tracts



First steps towards real-time assessment of attentional weights and capacity according to TVA

N.C. Banh, I. Scharlau, in: S. Merz, C. Frings, B. Leuchtenberg, B. Moeller, S. Mueller, R. Neumann, B. Pastötter, L. Pingen, G. Schui (Eds.), Abstracts of the 65th TeaP, ZPID (Leibniz Institute for Psychology), 2023.


Effects of verbal negation on TVA’s capacity and weight parameters

N.C. Banh, I. Scharlau, in: S. Malejka, M. Barth, H. Haider, C. Stahl (Eds.), TeaP 2022 - Abstracts of the 64th Conference of Experimental Psychologists , Pabst Science Publishers, 2022.

Folgen wiederholter Negation auf die Aufmerksamkeit

N.C. Banh, I. Scharlau, K.J. Rohlfing, in: C. Bermeitinger, W. Greve (Eds.), 52. Kongress Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Für Psychologie, 2022.

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