Work­shop: Ex­ami­ning the Re­fle­xi­ve Con­sti­tu­ti­on of Con­text in-(in­ter)ac­tion

On 20 and 21 March, members of TRR 318 are invited to a two-day in-person workshop at Paderborn University. The workshop will focus on exploring the interactive and reflexive nature of context in explanatory processes.

The workshop will begin on 20 March with a keynote talk by Robin James Smith. He is a Professor of Sociology in the School of Social Science, Cardiff University. His research interests coalesce around concerns with interaction, space and mobility, and perception and membership categorisation practices. He has pursued these interests in a range of projects including studies of walking, cycling and running in public space, street outreach with rough sleepers, mountain rescue work, and the impact of visual technology on police accountability. He is currently developing work on the introduction of robots to public space, and continues to have an abiding interest in ethnomethodology, conversation analysis, and qualitative research methodology.

On 21 March there will be interactive sessions where TRR 318 members can present and discuss how their projects engage with the concept of context.

Robin James Smith of Cardiff University will give a keynote speech at the TRR 318 workshop. Photo: private