
Online Talk “In a nutshell: Intro/Retrospective survey methods” (20.11.24, 14-15 h) led by Andrea Karsten

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„What do you need to know for and can you expect of a career in academia?”

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(Online) Lunch Talk with Tobias Rebert, COO of Tentris

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Ac­ti­vi­ty Af­ter­noon

The Activity Afternoon is part of the TRR research program on a regularly basis.

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Ac­ti­vi­ty Af­ter­noon

The Activity Afternoon is part of the TRR research program on a regularly basis.

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Ac­ti­vi­ty Af­ter­noon

The Activity Afternoon is part of the TRR research program on a regularly basis.

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Ex­ten­ded Ac­ti­vi­ty Af­ter­noon

Colloquium C05 - Preparation and training for assessment day (Begehung) - Extended Activity Afternoon including Mensa Lunch at Paderborn University. For all TRR 318 members

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Ex­ten­ded Ac­ti­vi­ty Af­ter­noon

Colloquium C06 - Preparation and training for assessment day (Begehung) - Extended Activity Afternoon including Mensa Lunch at Paderborn University. For all TRR 318 members

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Ex­ten­ded Ac­ti­vi­ty Af­ter­noon

Preparation and training for assessment day (Begehung) - Extended Activity Afternoon including Mensa Lunch at Paderborn University. For all TRR 318 members

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Der TRR 318 veranstaltet eine Konferenz mit dem Titel "Contextualizing Explanations". Weitere Informationen folgen.

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Ex­ten­ded Ac­ti­vi­ty Af­ter­noon

Preparation and training for assessment day (Begehung) - Extended Activity Afternoon including Mensa Lunch at Paderborn University. For all TRR 318 members

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Ac­ti­vi­ty Af­ter­noon

The Activity Afternoon is part of the TRR research program on a regularly basis.

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