The 2nd TRR Con­fer­ence "Meas­ur­ing Un­der­stand­ing" in pic­tures

For the second time, TRR 318 opened its doors and invited international scholars to discuss research on explanation and artificial intelligence. After last year's first conference, which focused on sociological perspectives on AI, this year's conference was devoted to processes of understanding. Under the title "Measuring Understanding", scientists met in Paderborn on 6 and 7 November.

The highlights of the event were the two keynote speakers. Dr. Sylvaine Tuncer (London) spoke on the topic of "Unpacking understanding in interaction: Video studies of technologies in use" . The lecture by Prof. Dr. Niels Taatgen (Groningen) was entitled "Cognitive skills: the building blocks of human intelligence". The two speakers were carefully chosen for the conference. The aim was to shed light on the topic of "Measuring Understanding" from different disciplines. Tuncer's contribution opened up a qualitative view from ethnomethodological conversation analysis, while Taatgen presented a more quantitative approach from the perspective of the field of machine learning. The two areas, which under normal circumstances would hardly have any points of contact, were brought together in a beneficial way thanks to the interdisciplinary approach of the Transregio.

A good start to the conference was the poster session, in which the PhDs and postdocs from the Transregio presented their research work to the specialist audience. The various subsequent research tracks were also intentionally not too overloaded and were just as well received as the Science Slam, which brought an entertainment factor to the conference as a supporting program on Monday evening.

The conference photo gallery