Call for pa­pers: sub­mis­sions on ex­plain­able ar­ti­fi­cial in­tel­li­gence open un­til Feb. 10

The special issue 03/2022 of the Journal of Artificial Intelligence published by Springer Verlag is dedicated to current research developments in explainable artificial intelligence (XAI). Scientists are invited to submit their articles in English until February 10th.
In addition to computer science research, interdisciplinary articles as well as specific applications of XAI from fields such as education, healthcare, and industrial production are also welcome. Types of articles range from technical papers, project reports and system descriptions to short dissertation and post-doctoral summaries and discussion articles.
The special issue on XAI is edited by Professor Dr.-Ing. Britta Wrede, project leader in the Collaborative Research Center/Transregio 318 and head of the Medical Assistance Systems Group at Bielefeld University, and Professor Dr. Ute Schmid, head of the Cognitive Systems Group at Bamberg University. The Scientific journal "KI – Künstliche Intelligenz" is the official journal of the division for artificial intelligence within the "Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V." – the German Informatics Society. Articles are published in an open-access format.

Further information on submitting articles is available at: