School stu­dents dis­cov­er the fas­cin­at­ing world of ar­ti­fi­cial in­tel­li­gence in TRR work­shop

As part of an exciting workshop organised by TRR 318 and a guided tour of the Heinz Nixdorf Forum in Paderborn, students on a computer science course had the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of artificial intelligence. One focus was on the development of language vocabularies by AI systems and the design of authentic interactions between humans and machines. Under the guidance of Prof Dr Carsten Schulte, Dr Lea Budde, Michael Lenke and Timo Sieger, the students were actively involved in order to provide practical insights alongside the theory. Through practical exercises and discussions, the students were encouraged to think about the role of technology in everyday life and the importance of competent interaction with XAI.


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