Re­gister now for the “Ex­plain­ing Ma­chines” con­fer­ence in Biele­feld from 23-24 June

One of the central questions in AI research today is how we can achieve understandable explanations of the processes underlying these machines. Should we be able to explain how machines work, or should the machines learn to explain themselves?

The first international conference organized by TRR 318 will focus on social science research that seeks to explain artificial intelligence. The conference “Explaining Machines” will be hosted in the CITEC building at Bielefeld University.

Included among the international and prominent researchers are Prof. Frank Pasquale, an expert on the legal aspects of artificial intelligence, Prof. Mireille Hildebrandt, a jurist and philosopher, David Weinberger, Ph.D., a philosopher and machine-learning researcher, Dominique Cardon, Ph.D., scientific director of mèdialab at Sciences Po, Antoinette Rouvroy, Ph.D., a algorithmic governability and legal scholar, and the media researcher Bernhard Rieder, Ph.D. Following the presentations, participants will have the opportunity to discuss research papers sent after registering for the conference. The conference will be held in English.

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