“Best Pa­per Award” for TRR Re­search­ers at In­ter­na­tion­al Con­fer­ence on Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence

At the 2022 Human-Computer Interaction International (HCII) conference, the team from sub-project B03 “Exploring users, roles, and explanations in real-world contexts” won the prize for best scientific publication at this professional conference on artificial intelligence. Christian Schulz, a member of B03, accepted the award for the team’s paper entitled “(De-)Coding social practice in the field of XAI” at the virtual conference.

The full title of the paper is "(De)Coding Social Practice in the Field of XAI: Towards a Co-constructive Framework of Explanations and Understanding Between Lay Users and Algorithmic Systems.” In this article, researchers from sociology and media studies present their view of explanation as a co-constructive social practice ¬with an approach that incorporates human’s everyday interactions with different AI systems. This conceptualization expands upon previous approaches to explainable artificial intelligence (XAI), as it allows for the needs for explanations among very different user groups be explored and theorized. For this, the authors refined the documentary method and, among other things, made use of the messenger service WhatsApp, which study participants used to keep a kind of “digital diary”.

Since 1984, HCI International has been a leading conference on human-computer interaction. The conference includes various sub-conferences on topics in human-centered interaction organized by a committee of international experts each year. The professional conference on artificial intelligence on June 26th was held for the third time as part of HCI International 2022.

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