How do we en­counter Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence?

Researchers from the Transregio (TRR) 318 "Constructing Explainability" at the University of Paderborn and the University of Bielefeld invite you to the workshop "How do we encounter artificial intelligence? The event is part of the "AI Month mAI," a series of events on artificial intelligence (AI) in Germany throughout May. No prior knowledge of AI is required. The event will be videotaped for research purposes. The workshop is limited to 20 participants.

Event Information

  • Workshop „How do we encounter Artificial Intelligence?“
  • Date: May 15, 3-5 pm
  • Place: Bielefeled Universita, Building X Room X-E1-107

Registration free of charge by emailing

The Workshop „How do we encounter Artificial Intelligence?"

Artificial intelligence suggests media content and products to us; it categorizes and evaluates our behavior and identity and works for us in the health sector or finance. How AI arrives at its decisions is rarely transparent.

"Existing AI explanations of what AI does are often too technical and do not allow users to ask questions. The universities of Bielefeld and Paderborn are working on the co-construction of explanations. This means that AI and humans interact and jointly develop an understandable explanation," says Professor Britta Wrede. The computer scientist from Bielefeld University is leading three subprojects in the Collaborative Research Centre/Transregio 318, "Constructing Explainability." Together with colleagues from sociology and computer science education at Paderborn University, she has developed a workshop concept in which participants actively engage with AI. They will discover different AI systems and discuss their impact on society.

The Transregio workshop in the "AI Month mAI" aims to explore transparent and democratic ways of interacting with AI. Participants will learn how to approach AI and how they can contribute to developing AI systems. First, they will learn the basics of current applications of AI systems and become familiar with prejudices against AI and mistakes made by AI. In the second part of the workshop, participants will have the opportunity to interact with an AI system and experience how they can become co-creators of AI. Finally, they can discuss their needs for democratic AI systems.

German AI Month

The first "German AI Month mAI" will take place from 1 to 31 May. Initiated by AI for Humans GmbH, appliedAI Initiative GmbH, Bundesverband KI e.V., KI Park e.V., and Merantix AG, the German AI ecosystem is organizing conferences, festivals and network meetings on the topic of artificial intelligence in northern and eastern, western and southern Germany. The AI Month aims to strengthen the domestic AI ecosystem, network key players, and open up to each other, companies, and interested citizens. The competence platform KI.NRW is participating as an ecosystem partner in various events.

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