New news­let­ter on the 2nd TRR con­fer­ence "Meas­ur­ing Un­der­stand­ing"

This newsletter focuses on this year's 2nd TRR conference "Measuring Understanding", which took place on November 6-7 at Paderborn University. The conference brought together international researchers to discuss how to measure Understanding in explanation contexts and how this influences the research on explainable artificial intelligence (XAI).

There are insights into our new research podcast "Explaining Explainability" and attention is drawn to our new YouTube channel. There are also reading tips on the publications of our researchers, a listening tip for another AI podcast and a report on a research trip by TRR researchers.

In "AI is...", Jun.-Prof. Dr. Hendrik Buschmeier (A02) explains the challenge of incomprehensibility and why understanding AI systems is important for the responsible use of AI. In "What have I learned?", PhD student Maximilian Muschalik (C03) talks about his experiences of organizing the TRR conference, the amount and variety of tasks as well as the importance of support and division of labour within the organizing team. The important insight for him is that the hard work pays off in the end.

Read the whole newsletter: Developing explanations together 03|2023

In the newsletter of TRR 318, the team of the public project informs about news from the Transregio: In addition to announcements of events, lectures and workshops, the newsletter provides insights into the scientific work. The newsletter is published two to four times a year and can be subscribed to here.