Nav­ig­at­ing inter- and trans­dis­cip­lin­ary re­search fields

September 11, 2023, Paderborn University (ZM2.A.02.73)


Navigating inter- and transdisciplinary research fields: Analysing positionality — exploring research topographies


Where am I located in the landscape of knowledge and with regards to my research subject? Who and what is influencing my thinking and acting in my research field? What are theoretical backgrounds or stocks of knowledge my research relies on and how do they relate to each other? Are there tensions or contradictions inherent to my research? And how do different methods fit together?

These are questions often raised when researching in-between disciplines, in interdisciplinary knowledge fields, or in trans-sector collaboration. Researchers working inter- or transdisciplinarily are often challenged to delimit their research field, to locate themselves in the landscape of knowledge, to understand their role and relationship with the research subject and to keep track and orientation in an often messy and dynamic research environment.

This workshop provides you with the necessary conceptual vocabulary to precisely describe the inter- or transdisciplinary character of your research and introduces you to the concepts of researcher positionality and research topography. You will be guided in analysing your own positionality and in exploring the topography of your own research field to characterize the type of inter- and transdisciplinary research you pursue and to systematize different stocks of knowledge, theories and methods, as well as roles, interests and constellations of involved persons. By the end of the workshop you will have gained a fresh and profound view on your own research field and, eventually, ideas for adjustments, precisions, or clarifications.

The workshop combines short presentations with individual and group-work tasks that will be presented and discussed in the plenary.




9-9:15             Introduction: objectives, program, working mode (15)

9:15-10           Impulse presentation (45)

10-10:30         Elaboration of inter- and transdisciplinary characteristics (30)

10:30-11         Break (30)

11-11:30         Identification of relevant dimensions of positionality (30)

11:30-13         Mapping the research field I (knowledge fields, personal backgrounds) (90)

13-14              Lunch (60)

14-14:45         Mapping the research field II (interpersonal constellations, other) (45)

14:45-15:30    Presentation and discussion of results (plenary or small-groups) (45)

15:30-16         Break (30)

16-16:30         Identification of possible needs for further clarification or adjustments (30)

16:30-17         Final discussion and workshop evaluation


Target group:

PhDs and PostDocs of TRR318; if place is available, also PhDs and PostDocs outside the TRR who work inter- or transdisciplinarily


Preparatory work:

  • On final registration, please submit a short exposé of your research.
  • Participants will be provided with a set of preparatory questions and texts for preparatory reading.


Workshop leader: apl. Prof. Dr. Ulli Vilsmaier, Responsive Research Collective and Leuphana University Lüneburg

The image shows three people sitting at a wooden table. Tow of them are reading in their books. While the third person is writting into a notebook.