Put­ting un­der­stand­ing in the spot­light

Register now for the 2nd TRR Conference "Measuring Understanding" at the Paderborn University

This year's 2nd TRR Conference "Measuring Understanding" is all about understanding and how it can be considered in different explanatory contexts. International researchers are expected at Paderborn University on November 6 and 7 to discuss and exchange views on current research.

In XAI research, there is a growing recognition that understanding is an essential part of a successful explanation. Accordingly, the conference topics include different methods and tools for assessing and measuring understanding in different contexts. A fundamental consideration is that the contexts themselves shape the understanding required. The focus will therefore be on the following contexts: (a) dyadic everyday explanations, (b) the context of interpretability and explainability of AI systems, and (c) institutional environments.

Contributions to the conference will focus on the methodological challenge of how to measure and operationalise understanding in different explanatory contexts, including human-human interaction and human-machine interaction. It will also explore the implications of these measures for XAI.

The conference feature keynote speakers Sylvanie Tuncer from King's Business School at King's College London and Niel Taatgen from the Institute of Computer Science and AI at the University of Groningen. In addition to a poster exhibition and a workshop on 'Understanding', the conference programme includes several research tracks, a science slam and an oral session.

Registration for the conference is open until October 16.